Bernstein SmartSteps

Featuring Early Career Scientists


The Bernstein SmartSteps series provides a unique platform for selected Early Career Scientists of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience to present their research projects to the scientific community. Once a month, one PhD candidate and one Postdoc who are ready to take their next (smart) step for their scientific career discuss their research in an online seminar.

The audience of the Bernstein SmartSteps has the chance to watch out for new talents in computational neuroscience and hear about cutting-edge research in the field.
The live talks are held in Zoom. A recording is published in a separate collection on the Bernstein Vimeo Channel.

The best speaker within one year is awarded with the Bernstein SmartSteps Award.

Bernstein SmartSteps speakers

  • are on the verge of taking their next career step
  • want to use a unique opportunity to present their research to the scientific community
  • seek to profit from our individual presentation training before their talk and get ready for this and upcoming (job) talks
  • are a member of the Bernstein Network or have been suggested by their PI who is a Bernstein Network member find more information about a membership in the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience here)

How to apply/ nominate

No applications or nominations are currently being accepted.

Bernstein SmartSteps 2021

The Bernstein SmartSteps Award

No less than three young female scientists receive the Bernstein SmartSteps Award 2021 for the excellent presentation of their research results in the novel online seminar series of the Bernstein Network. Gily Ginosar (Weizman Institute, Israel), Miriam Henning (University of Mainz) and Helene Schreyer (University Medical Center Göttingen) were ranked first by the independent jury with equal points.

The Award consists of a professional individual career coaching worth €1000 with SCIEDO. Together with the coach, the awardee will decide whether to focus on the preparation of a personal grant, an upcoming job application or another career relevant topic.