Click here for the Statutes of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience (in German).
At the 2017 general assembly, the members of the Bernstein Network Computational Neurosciences voted for the following appendix to the statute:
Preventing Gender Bias
The Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience is devoted to the promotion of research and teaching in Computational Neuroscience. To this end the conferences, workshops and prizes organized by the Bernstein Network are of great significance. The annual Bernstein Conference aims to highlight a broad spectrum of recent developments by inviting both young and established scientists to present their latest work or by recognizing their achievement with an award. Minimizing potential gender bias when choosing the best candidates is of key importance to maintain excellence, to meet the goals of national funding partners such as the DFG [1], and to encourage young female scientists to pursue their career within academia. In the past two years, the Bernstein Network has set a great example in promoting the visibility of female scientists [2], and is fully committed to continue on this track in the future.
Therefore, the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience will implement the following measures:
- To facilitate the identification of qualified women at all career levels, the Network’s chair will inform the organization committees of the Bernstein Conference about online directories such as “Anne’s List” [3] compiled by Prof. Anne Churchland or “Academia Net” [4], which provide helpful information and links to many highly qualified female scientists currently working in neuroscience.
- The calls for workshops (in the context of the Bernstein Conference, Bernstein Sparks, etc.) will inform the applicants that an appropriate gender balance is one of the selection criteria. The head of the Bernstein Coordination Site (BCOS) will check the proposals in this regard and inquire about possibilities of improvement if necessary.
- The conference, workshop and award committees will be informed by the chair of the Bernstein Network about the Network’s gender representation goals. The yearly BCOS reports will include a gender breakdown of speakers and awardees in each category.
[2] Bernstein Conference program booklets from 2013-2017 list the following fraction of female invited speakers: [4 / 12; 0 / 14; 1 / 14; 5 / 12; 6 / 12]