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Here you can register for the Bernstein Conference 2024.

Please note: The button leads to an external website of our partner Intercongress GmbH. Please find all information about the conference registration below and during the registration process.

Registration fees

Main Conference

  • Early registration
  • Non-member rates
  • Students & doctoral candidates
  • Postdocs & emeriti
  • Regular
  • Member rates*
  • Students & doctoral candidates
  • Postdocs & emeriti
  • Regular
  • Early registration
  • Jul 31, 2024
  • 200 Euro
  • 260 Euro
  • 360 Euro
  • Member rates*
  • 100 Euro
  • 150 Euro
  • 250 Euro
  • Late registration
  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 280 Euro
  • 340 Euro
  • 460 Euro
  • Member rates*
  • 180 Euro
  • 230 Euro
  • 330 Euro
  • On-site registration
  • At registration counter
  • 380 Euro
  • 440 Euro
  • 560 Euro
  • Member rates*
  • 280 Euro
  • 330 Euro
  • 430 Euro

Early registration (Jul 31, 2024)
Students & doctoral candidates 200/100 Euro (non-member/member*)
Postdocs & emeriti 260/150 Euro (non-member/member*)
Regular 360/250 Euro (non-member/member*)

Late registration (Sep 11, 2024)
Students & doctoral candidates
280/180 Euro (non-member/member*)
Postdocs & emeriti
340/230 Euro (non-member/member*)
460/330 Euro (non-member/member*)

On-site registration
Students & doctoral candidates 380/280 Euro (non-member/member*)
Postdocs & emeriti 440/330 Euro (non-member/member*)
Regular 560/430 Euro (non-member/member*)

*Further information on membership can be found below.

Satellite Workshops

  • Early registration
  • Jul 31, 2024
  • Students & doctoral candidates
  • All other participants
  • Early registration
  • Jul 31, 2024
  • 100 Euro
  • 130 Euro
  • Late registration
  • Sep 11, 2024
  • 130 Euro
  • 180 Euro
  • On-site registration
  • at registration counter
  • 230 Euro
  • 280 Euro

Early registration (Jul 31, 2024)
Students & doctoral candidates 100 Euro
All other participants 130 Euro

Late registration (Sep 11, 2024)
Students & doctoral candidates 130 Euro
All other participants
180 Euro

On-site registration
Students & doctoral candidates 230 Euro
All other participants 280 Euro

Additional events

  • Conference Dinner
  • Students & doctoral candidates
  • All others
  • Accompanying persons
  • PhD Symposium
  • All participants
  • Postdoc Meeting
  • All participants
  • Fixed price
  • 50 Euro
  • 80 Euro
  • 80 Euro
  • PhD Symposium
  • 30 Euro
  • Postdoc Meeting
  • 25 Euro

Conference Dinner 50/80/80 Euro (Students & doctoral candidates/All other participants/Accompanying persons)

PhD Symposium 30 Euro

Postdoc Meeting 25 Euro

General Terms and Conditions

By registering you agree to our Code of Conduct and Data Policy.

Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience

The Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience supports science, research and education in computational neuroscience, and disseminates research themes and findings to the public. It is recognized as a non-profit organization. Further information can be found here.
Do you want to become a member, support our activities and benefit from our services? Please join us.

Please note: In order to benefit from the discounted conference fees, the membership application and fee must be received by the Bernstein Coordination Site by July 26, 2024, (early registration) respectively by September 6, 2024 (late registration).