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Conferences, symposia, workshops, courses. Our members are actively involved in many events. Here is the current list of upcoming events of interest to computational neuroscience researchers.

Winter School “Ethics of Neuroscience and AI” 2025

24.02. – 28.02.2025
Berlin, Germany
Winter School

The 14th Winter School "Ethics of Neuroscience and AI" is taking place on Feb 24 - Feb 28, 2025. It is organized by the BCCN Berlin/ICCN, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, and the Excellence Cluster "Science of Intelligence". The event is tailored for MSc and PhD students, but covers a range of topics of potential interest to other researchers, reflecting on the ethical and societal consequences of modern neuroscience.

Bernstein Members involved:
John-Dylan Haynes

EBRAINS Tutorials and Users Day: Accelerate Your Neuroscience Research with EBRAINS

12.03. – 12.03.2025
Heidelberg, parts also online

EBRAINS is an open research infrastructure that gathers data, tools and computing facilities for brain-related research, built with interoperability at the core. The EBRAINS tutorials and users day is for two audiences: newcomers to the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure (introductions, overviews, beginner hands-on tutorials) and seasoned EBRAINS users for advanced tutorials and user discussion groups with developers.

The event offers:

- Quick demonstration of a sample set of "EBRAINS science tools in action" in the morning plenary talks (this part of the event can also be attended online free of charge)
- Followed by parallel hands-on tutorials: meeting participants can attend 3 consecutive sessions and choose for each from a set of in parallel tutorials. This part is onsite only for most tutorials.

Planetarium: Vortragsreihe über die Wahrnehmung von Tieren

18.03. – 18.03.2025
Nürnberg, Germany
Bernstein Members involved:
Andreas Draguhn

NICE 2025

25.03. – 28.03.2025
Heidelberg, Germany
Bernstein Members involved:
Christian Tetzlaff

Göttingen Meeting 2025

26.03. – 29.03.2025
Göttingen, Germany

The Göttingen Meeting 2025 continues and supports what was always the aim of the original Neurobiology Meeting over 40 years ago: to give (young) scientists the space they need to learn from the work of their colleagues from all disciplines and to grow with their own presentations in symposia and poster sessions.

Bernstein Members involved:
Frank Kirchhoff
Veronica Egger
Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Veronica Egger
Ilka Diester
Matthias Haberl
Andreas Draguhn
Madhura Ketkar
Carlotta Martelli


27.03. – 01.04.2025
Montreal and Mont Tremblant, Canada

The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function. The Main Meeting is single-track. A set of invited talks is selected by the Executive Committee, and additional talks and posters are selected by the Program Committee, based on submitted abstracts. The Workshops feature in-depth discussion of current topics of interest, in a small group setting.

Bernstein Members involved:
Julijana Gjorgjieva
Carlos Stein Brito

Generative Episodic Memory: Interdisciplinary persepectives from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy (GEM 2025)

02.06. – 04.06.2025
Bochum, Germany

Episodic memories are widely regarded as memories of personally experienced events. Early concepts about episodic memory were based on the storage model, according to which experiential content is preserved in memory and later retrieved. However, overwhelming empirical evidence suggests that the content of episodic memory is – at least to a certain degree – constructed in the act of remembering. Even though very few contemporary researchers would oppose this view of episodic memory as a generative process, it has not become the standard paradigm of empirical memory research. This is particularly true for studies of the neural correlates of episodic memory. Further hindering progress are large conceptual differences regarding episodic memory across different fields, such as neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology. This interdisciplinary conference therefore aims to bring together researchers from all relevant fields to advance the state of the art in the research on generative episodic memory.

Bernstein Members involved:
Xenia Kobeleva
Nikolai Axmacher
Laurenz Wiskott
Sen Cheng

The Virtual NEST Conference 2025

17.06. – 18.06.2025

The NEST Initiative is excited to invite everyone interested in Neural Simulation Technology and the NEST Simulator to the virtual NEST Conference 2025. The NEST Conference provides an opportunity for the NEST Community to meet, exchange success stories, swap advice, learn about current developments in and around NEST spiking network simulation and its application. We particularly encourage young scientists to participate in the conference!

Bernstein Members involved:
Hans Ekkehard Plesser

International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS) 2025

17.06. – 20.06.2025
Barcelona, Spain

The International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS) is an inter-disciplinary conference series, bringing together theoretical/computational neuroscientists and mathematicians. The conferences are aimed at scientists interested in using or developing mathematical techniques for neuroscience problems. ICMNS 2025 will be the tenth annual conference.

Bernstein Members involved:
Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Anna Levina
Susanne Schreiber
Tilo Schwalger

Computational Psychiatry Conference 2025

14.07. – 16.07.2025
Tübingen, Germany

After two successful editions in 2023 (Dublin, Ireland) and 2024 (Minneapolis, USA) the Computational Psychiatry Conference has established itself as the largest conference worldwide in this emerging field, annually attracting over 240 students, postdocs, and faculty from around the world to meet and discuss new scientific discoveries.

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Dayan
Kerstin Ritter

Barcelona summer school for Advanced Modelling of Behavior (BAMB!)

15.07. – 24.07.2025
Barcelona, Spain
Summer School

The Barcelona summer school for Advanced Modelling of Behavior (BAMB!) teaches advanced techniques in model-based analysis of behavior (humans and other species) to cognitive and computational neuroscientists at PhD and early career levels. This will be achieved through structured lectures, talks, hands-on tutorials and group projects aimed at making knowledge obtained directly applicable to the participants' own research. We want the trainees to acquire both the conceptual basis and the technical skills that will enable them to pursue a full modelling approach on their own when they come back to their lab.

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Dayan

NeuroAI – Neuroscience and AI

14.07. – 01.08.2025
Lisbon, Portugal
Summer School

Modern deep learning methods provide some of the best tools to model behavior and brain function today. Excitingly, AI systems have become the first artificial models capable of matching human performance in sophisticated cognitive tasks, such as visual recognition, language processing, and strategic planning. This unique capability makes them a key test bed for neuroscience research: by studying how these AI systems solve complex problems, we can generate and test hypotheses about the computational principles that biological brains might use. Moreover, thanks to amazing progress in neuroscientific experimental recording techniques over the last decade, we now have access to vast amounts of complex data, which can be used in computational modeling, across multiple modalities – from neural activity of thousands of neurons, to anatomical details of neuronal circuits, to whole brain neural recordings during complex behavior of humans and animals. These exciting developments—in both AI methodology and neuroscientific recordings—have inspired an emerging area of research at the intersection of neuroscience and AI.

Bernstein Members involved:
Fabian Sinz
Janne Lappalainen

Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour 2025

21.07. – 08.08.2025
Konstanz, Germany
Summer School

The Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour (KSCB) will take place between 21st July 2025 – 8th August 2025 at the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB) at the University of Konstanz. Uni Konstanz is a University of Excellence and ranked #1 young university in Germany with “Collective Behaviour" as one of five research foci. Konstanz is a vibrant, small city located on the border between Germany and Switzerland, on the shores of the Bodensee (Lake Constance). Over three weeks, students will delve deeply into the topic of collective behaviour with lectures, hands-on tutorials, and projects, making it a unique and unforgettable experience.

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Dayan

The Systems Vision Science Summer School & Symposium

11.08. – 22.08.2025
Tübingen, Germany
Summer School
Bernstein Members involved:
Li Zhaoping
Peter Dayan

IEEE – International Conference on Development and Learning

16.09. – 19.09.2025
Prague, Czech
Bernstein Members involved:
Jochen Triesch

AICAN 2025

21.09. – 24.09.2025
Tuskany, Italy
Bernstein Members involved:
Sacha van Albada

Bernstein Conference 2025

29.09. – 02.10.2025
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Each year the Bernstein Network invites the international computational neuroscience community to the annual Bernstein Conference for intensive scientific exchange. It has established itself as one of the most renowned conferences worldwide in this field, attracting students, postdocs and PIs from around the world to meet and discuss new scientific discoveries.

Neuroscience 2025

15.11. – 19.11.2025
San Diego, USA

Each year, scientists from around the world congregate to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Attend so you can: present research, network with scientists, attend session and events, and browse the exhibit hall. Join the nearly half a million neuroscientists from around the world who have propelled their careers by presenting an abstract at an SfN annual meeting — the premier global neuroscience event.

The Bernstein Network will have an information booth at this event!

Past events