Sep 2 – 5
Invited Lectures
Larry Abbott & Nathaniel Sawtell | New York, USA
From Sensation to Perception: Sensory predictions in an electric fish
Demian Battaglia | Pascale Quilichini, Christophe Bernard
Brain state-dependent “liquid” information processing
Jan-Matthias Braun | Poramate Manoonpong, Timo von Marcard, Markus Tüttemann, Florentin Wörgötter, Bernhard Graimann
Internal Models Enhance Accuracy and Reaction Time for a Gait-Aware Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis
Paul Cisek | University of Montréal, Canada
Neural mechanisms for making decisions in a dynamic world
Dario Farina | University of Göttingen, Germany
The Extraction of Neural Information from the Surface EMG for the Control of Upper-Limb Prostheses: Emerging Avenues and Challenges
Leon A. Gatys | Alexander S. Ecker, Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Matthias Bethge
Synaptic unreliability facilitates information transmission in balanced cortical populations
Lorenz Goenner | Julien Vitay, Fred Hamker
Goal anticipation in a computational model of place-cell sequences during sharp wave-ripples
Christoph Hartmann | Andreea Lazar, Jochen Triesch
Self-organized learning and inference explain key properties of neural variability
Ralf M Haefner | University of Rochester, New York, USA
Inferring the brain’s task-strategy from neuronal responses during perceptual decision-making
Fritjof Helmchen | Brain Research Institute, Switzerland
In vivo calcium imaging of information processing in mouse neocortex during behavior
Adam Kepecs | Cold Spring Harbor, USA
Mapping the behavioral repertoire of cortical interneurons
Christian Machens | Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
Bernd Meyer | University Oldenburg, Germany
Machine listening and computational auditory neuroscience models – a relation with mutual benefits
Daniel Palanker | Stanford University, USA
Restoration of Sight with Photovoltaic Subretinal Prosthesis
Bijan Pesaran | New York University, USA
A role for coherent neural activity in coordinating look and reach movements
Maneesh Sahani | University College London, UK
Beyond the STRF: Receptive field sensitivities are locally and rapidly reshaped by immediate sensory context
Jan Schnupp | University of Oxford, UK
Neural representations of the pitch, timbre and source location of complex sounds
Michael N. Shadlen | Columbia University, USA
Mriganka Sur | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Ioannis Vlachos, Arvind Kumar
Adaptive feedback control of pathological oscillations in spiking neural networks
Valentin Braitenberg Award Winner
Alexander Borst | Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
Brains4Brains Award Winner
Ben Shababo | Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, USA