Past events

Past Conferences, Symposia, Workshops, Courses and other events, where Bernstein Network members were involved.

Ringvorlesung “Wege zur Erforschung des Gehirns”

21.10. – 10.02.2025
Freiburg, Germany and online

Das Bernstein Center Freiburg und die Fakultät für Biologie laden erneut zu spannenden Fragen, kreativen Ansätzen und praxisbezogenen Methoden rund um das Thema Neurowissenschaften ein. Herausragende Neurowissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler aus ganz Deutschland werden aus Sicht ihrer Disziplin anschaulich und verständlich über ihre Forschung berichten.
Angesprochen wird ein Publikum mit Interesse an den aktuellen Themen der Hirnforschung. Nach einem etwa 40-minütigen Vortrag gibt es Gelegenheit zur Diskussion. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Bernstein Members involved:
Friedemann Zenke
Michael Brecht
Michael Wibral
Kerstin Ritter
Ad Aertsen (Organisator)
Stefan Rotter (Organisator)
Tatjana Tchumatchenko

Information Day 2025 – “International Graduate Program(s) Computational Neuroscience”

29.01. – 29.01.2025
Hybrid: Berlin and online
Information day

The BCCN Berlin will hold an information day regarding the Master- and PhD-Programs in Computational Neuroscience offered by the center.

Bernstein Members involved:
Klaus Obermayer (head of the program)
further members of the BCCN Berlin

Brains in space: An interdisciplinary research colloquium on spatial navigation

29.10. – 28.01.2025
seminar series

In this colloquium, speakers will present their research in various areas of spatial navigation, including behavioral, neuroscientific, and theoretical approaches. The goal is to foster interdisciplinary discussions along the lines of the review article "A Map of Spatial Navigation for Neuroscience" (Parra-Barrero et al., 2023) that proposes a taxonomy of spatial navigation processes in mammals. The talks will cover a diverse range of topics, from the neural underpinnings of navigation to complex navigation behaviors. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how the mammalian brain represents and navigates through space, as well as learn about several cognitive processes such as learning and memory through the lens of spatial navigation.

Bernstein Members involved:
Sen Cheng (organizer)
Behnam Ghazinouri

Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations

14.12. – 14.12.2024
Vancouver, Canada

The NeurReps Workshop brings together researchers from applied mathematics and deep learning with neuroscientists whose work reveals the elegant implementation of mathematical structure in biological neural circuitry. The first and second editions of NeurReps were held at NeurIPS 2022 and at NeurIPS 2023. The invited and contributed talks drew exciting connections between trends in geometric deep learning and neuroscience, emphasizing parallels between equivariant structures in brains and machines. This year's workshop will feature five invited talks covering emerging topics in geometric deep learning, mechanistic interpretability, geometric structure in the brain, world models and the role of dynamics in shaping neural representations.

Bernstein Members involved:
Simone Azeglio

Schnelle zelluläre Oszillationen: Uhren der Tiere?

14.12. – 14.12.2024
Öffentlicher Vortrag

Viele Nervenzellen sowie auch Zellen im Herzen zeigen intrinsisch oszillatorisches Verhalten auf einer Zeitskala von Millisekunden bis zu wenigen Sekunden. Damit diese Zellen aber im kollektiven Zusammenspiel physiologisch funktionale makroskopische Oszillationen erzeugen können, müssen sie aufeinander »hören« können und ihre Oszillationsperioden aneinander anpassen. Der Vortrag verfolgt zum einen das Ziel, eine Vielzahl bekannter, aber auch einige weniger offensichtliche Oszillationen vorzustellen, die Tieren (und uns Menschen) eine subjektive Zeitwahrnehmung vermitteln könnten. Zum anderen soll ein grundlegendes mathematisches Prinzip der Synchronisation erklärt werden, das erklärt, was »aufeinander zu hören« bedeutet und auch wie dieses Prinzip mechanistisch in Zellverbänden, Organen und sozialen Interaktionen implementiert wird.

Der Vortrag ist Teil der Reihe "Samstags-Uni: Dimension ,Zeit': Temporalität in Wissenschaft, Kunst, Kultur und Gesellschaft" des Studium generale der Universität Freiburg und der Volkshochschule Freiburg in Verbindung mit der Katholischen Akademie der Erzdiözese Freiburg statt.

Bernstein Members involved:
Christian Leibold

“Die Kindheit der Künstlichen Intelligenz”

27.11. – 27.11.2024
Bonn, Germany
Öffentlicher Vortrag

In diesem Dezember erhalten John J. Hopfield und Geoffrey Hinton den Physik-Nobelpreis 2024 für bahnbrechende Entdeckungen und Erfindungen, die maschinelles Lernen mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen ermöglichen. Aus diesem Anlass lädt die Physikwerkstatt Rheinland für Mittwoch, 27. November, 18:00 Uhr zu einem allgemeinverständlichen Vortrag in den Wolfgang-Paul-Hörsaal, Kreuzbergweg 28 in Bonn, ein. Es spricht Prof. Dr. Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer vom Institut für Genetik der Universität Bonn. Der Eintritt ist frei. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Bernstein Members involved:
Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer

Statistical Physics of Cognition Workshop

25.11. – 26.11.2024
London, UK

The “Statistical Physics of Cognition” workshop aims to bring together a diverse group of experts, including theoreticians, experimentalists, mathematical modellers, and data analysts, to explore statistical physics-based approaches to understanding the brain.

Bernstein Members involved:
Viola Priesemann

BrainModes Conference 2024

18.11. – 21.11.2024
Bilbao, Spanien

Since its inception in 2007, the BrainModes conference series has been a beacon for the neuroscience community, drawing attention to the intricate dynamics of brain functionality. These topics are at the forefront of hashtag#neuroscience research, offering novel insights into how the brain operates as a complex system. By focusing on these areas BrainModesBilbao2024 will serve as a vibrant platform for both emerging and established researchers, clinicians, and scholars to exchange ideas, consolidate collaborations, and discuss the latest advancements in the field.

Bernstein Members involved:
Petra Ritter

Advanced Neural Data Analysis and Neuroinformatics (ANDA-NI)

24.09. – 08.11.2024
online/Jülich, Germany

Techniques to record neuronal data from populations of neurons are rapidly improving, allowing for simultaneous recordings from hundreds of channels while animals perform complex behavioral tasks. The analysis of such massive and intricate data sets poses significant challenges. ANDA-NI aims to equip participants with theoretical and practical training in state-of-the-art analysis approaches for neurophysiological data.

Bernstein Members involved:
Michael Denker
Sonja Grün
Thomas Wachtler
Hansjörg Scherberger
Martin Nawrot

Brain Criticality Hybrid Meeting

06.11. – 08.11.2024
Hybrid: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA and online

Keeping line with previous editions of the Brain Criticality conferences series, this conference will present the latest experimental and theoretical advancements in the study of critical phenomena in brain activity and their functional relevance. While preserving emphasis on criticality, this edition will feature as well communications about general collective behavior and dynamic complexity in the brain (and other biological systems).

Bernstein Members involved:
Chaitana Chintalury
Anna Levina

SPONT 2024

04.11. – 06.11.2024
Altea, Spain

We invite you to participate in the “Spontaneous Activity in Brain Development” meeting, a dynamic forum for neuroscientists exploring brain activity during development. The third SPONT meeting, SPONT2024, is scheduled from 4-6 November 2024 in Altea, a picturesque seaside town near Alicante in Spain.

Bernstein Members involved:
Julijana Gjiorgjeva

SNUFA 2024

05.11. – 06.11.2024

This online workshop brings together researchers in the fields of computational neuroscience, machine learning, and neuromorphic engineering to present their work and discuss ways of translating these findings into a better understanding of neural circuits. Topics include artificial and biologically plausible learning algorithms and the dissection of trained spiking circuits toward understanding neural processing. We have a manageable number of talks with ample time for discussions.

Bernstein Members involved:
Anna Levina
Friedemann Zenke

Science Days

24.10. – 26.10.2024
Europa-Park, Deutschland
außerschulisches Bildungsangebot

Jedes Jahr im Herbst finden die Science Days statt – Deutschlands größtes Wissenschafts- und MINT-Festival. Gemeinsam mit Institutionen aus Wissenschaft, Bildung, und Wirtschaft wird ein faszinierendes und sehr vielfältiges Angebot zusammengestellt. MINT-Themen werden aus unterschiedlichen Richtungen und Blickwinkeln präsentiert und die Besuchenden bekommen Einblicke in hochaktuelle Themen und deren Erforschung.

Das Bernstein Netzwerk wird bei dieser Veranstaltung einen Informationsstand haben.

EITN EBRAINS Fall School in Computational Neuroscience

16.10. – 25.10.2024
Marseille, France
Fall School

The EITN Fall School in Computational Neuroscience consists of a 10-day course in theoretical and computational neuroscience, from cellular to whole-brain levels. The course is structured in thematic days with lectures, tutorials, and project work.

The course is typically aimed for PhD students, young postdocs, or master students interested to learn more about techniques of computational neuroscience, and the use of various simulation environments for model building. The students will form thematic groups to work on predefined subjects, with the help of tutors.

The course will cover cellular models, models of brain signals, circuit models and networks, mean-field models, and whole-brain models. There will be lectures and tutorials associated with these topics.

Bernstein Members involved:
Sacha van Albada

Neuroscience 2024

05.10. – 09.10.2024
Chicago, USA

Each year, scientists from around the world congregate to discover new ideas, share their research, and experience the best the field has to offer. Attend so you can: present research, network with scientists, attend session and events, and browse the exhibit hall. Join the nearly half a million neuroscientists from around the world who have propelled their careers by presenting an abstract at an SfN annual meeting — the premier global neuroscience event.

The Bernstein Network will have an information booth at this event!

Bernstein Conference 2024

29.09. – 02.10.2024
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Each year the Bernstein Network invites the international computational neuroscience community to the annual Bernstein Conference for intensive scientific exchange. It has established itself as one of the most renown conferences worldwide in this field, attracting students, postdocs and PIs from around the world to meet and discuss new scientific discoveries.

The Bernstein Network will have an information booth at this event!

2024 Tübingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium (SNS 2024)

26.09. – 27.09.2024
Tübingen, Germany

The 2024 Tübingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium (SNS 2024) brings together leading international researchers in systems neuroscience. The symposium features plenary talks, poster sessions, lab visit and a conference dinner. Join us in Tübingen to learn about the latest advances.

Bernstein Members involved:
Zhaoping Li
Viola Priesemann
Michael Wibral

ACAIN 2024: AI meets Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Science

22.09. – 25.09.2024
Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto), Italy
Symposium & Course

The ACAIN 2024 symposium and course is an interdisciplinary event featuring leading scientists from AI and Neuroscience, providing a special opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research in the fields of AI, Neuroscience, Neuroscience-Inspired AI, Human-Level AI, and Cognitive Science.

The 4th Advanced Course and Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience (ACAIN) is a full-immersion five-day Course and Symposium at the Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto), Tuscany, Italy on cutting-edge advances in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience with lectures delivered by world-renowned experts. The Course provides a stimulating environment for academics, early career researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. Participants will also have the chance to present their results with oral talks or posters, and to interact with their colleagues, in a convivial and productive environment.

Bernstein Members involved:
Agnes Korcsak-Gorzo
Sacha van Albada

ICPBR Summer School In Non-Human Primate Systems Neuroscience

09.09. – 15.09.2024
Shanghai, China
Summer School

The goal of this school is to provide introductory lectures to international young investigators (mainly graduate students and post-doctoral fellows) on recent advances in the science and technology related to non-human primate research, with relevance to the understanding of human brain functions and disorders.

Bernstein Members involved:
Kristine Krug

Visual Neuroscience: from spikes to awareness

01.09. – 13.09.2024
Ebsdorfergrund, Germany
Summer School

The European Summer School exposes young vision researchers—at the late pre-doctoral or early post-doctoral level—to the principal methods and seminal issues of contemporary visual neuroscience. In addition, it seeks to build a basic fluency in the emerging lingua franca of computational neuroscience. The range of topics is broad, literally from spikes to awareness, and the pace correspondingly brisk. This intensive experience should allow participants take a broader view of, and make more informed decisions about, their future research direction.

Bernstein Members involved:
Stefan Treue
Felix Wichmann

Bridging Fields in Creativity Research

11.09. – 13.09.2024
Oppenheim, Germany

We bring together leading experts on creativity from different scientific disciplines to discuss unifying approaches to operationalize creativity, investigate its neural mechanisms and develop theoretical and experimental concepts to probe and corroborate such mechanisms, especially on the level of neuronal networks. For this reason, we provide an interdisciplinary framework for the conference and bring experts from cognitive science together with systems neuroscientists as well as experts from computer science.

Bernstein Members involved:
Matthias Kaschube
Jens-Bastian Eppler
Jonas Elpelt

RELab: Rewilding Ethology Laboratory

26.08. – 30.08.2024
Lake Constance, Germany

Are you ready for an expedition into the multifarious world of animal behavior, where the lab meets the wild? Join us for RELab, a unique experimental workshop in the scenic location of Lake Constance, Germany.

Bernstein Members involved:
Armin Bahl

7th Bonn Brain³ Conference

19.08. – 21.08.2024
Bonn, Germany

BonnBrain³ stands at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific inquiry, uniting experts from diverse fields in a premier international conference focused on unraveling the complexities of states, behavior, neural circuits, and codes. This interdisciplinary scientific gathering prioritizes the presentation of groundbreaking and unpublished research, fostering insightful discussions after each talk and nurturing informal interactions among scientists at all career stages.

Bernstein Members involved:
Michael Brecht

Cognitive Computational Neuroscience

06.08. – 09.08.2024
Boston, USA

CCN is an annual forum for discussion among researchers in cognitive science, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, dedicated to understanding the computations that underlie complex behavior. The conference began in 2017, with a goal to deepen interactions between these disciplines and to discover ways that the communities can benefit one another and leverage each other’s successes.

Bernstein Members involved:
Matthias Bethge

PCN 2024 – Primate Cognitive Neuroscience Summer School 2024

28.07. – 09.08.2024
Bad Bevensen, Germany
Summer School

The third instantiation of this European Summer School will bring together PhD students, early postdocs, and an international list of faculty for an intense training programme in primate cognitive and systems neuroscience. It will provide an outstanding training opportunity for young scientists working with non-human primates.
Teaching will focus on cognitive processes in primate sensory and motor systems as well as in social settings and decision making, and will include important and novel results and methodologies. Topics of animal welfare, ethics, and media outreach will also be covered. Each faculty member will teach for about one half-day and furthermore will be available for individual scientific discussions, career planning advice, and scientific networking. Participants are expected to present their ongoing work in a poster presentation.

Bernstein Members involved:
Hansjörg Scherberger
Alexander Gail
Kristine Krug

Computational Neuroscience Course

08.07. – 26.07.2024

The curriculum integrates cutting-edge advances in machine learning and causality research with state-of-the-art modeling approaches in neuroscience.

NeuroAI Course

15.07. – 26.07.2024

What are common principles of natural and artificial intelligence?
The core challenge of intelligence is generalization. Neuroscience, cognitive science, and AI are all questing for principles that help generalization.

Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience

08.07. – 26.07.2024
Eresfjord, Norway
Summer School

Computational Neuroscience and Inference from data are disciplines that extensively use tools from Mathematics and Physics to understand the behavior of model neuronal networks and analyze data from real experiments. Due to its interdisciplinary nature and the complexity of the neuronal networks, the list of techniques that are borrowed from Physics and Mathematics is an extensive one. Although using tools from standard curriculum of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering is common, more advanced research requires methods and techniques that are not usually covered in any single discipline.

To fill in this gap, this summer school covers some of the most important methods used in computational neuroscience research through both main lectures and scientific seminars (5-6 main lectures per topic and 1-2 seminars by each invited seminar speaker).

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Dayan
Li Zhaoping

Barcelona Summer School for Advanced Modelling of Behavior (BAMB!)

16.07. – 25.07.2024
Barcelona, Spain

Our goal is​ to teach advanced techniques in model-based analysis of behavior (humans and other animals) to cognitive and computational neuroscientists at PhD and early career levels. This will be achieved through structured lectures and talks, together with a strong focus on hands-on tutorials and group projects aimed at making the obtained knowledge directly applicable to the participants' own research. Our goal is that the trainees acquire both the conceptual basis and the technical skills that will enable them to pursue a full modeling approach on their own when they come back to their lab.

Bernstein Members involved:
Jakob Macke

33rd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting

20.07. – 24.07.2024
Natal, Brazil

The Organization for Computational Neurosciences promotes meetings and courses in computational neuroscience and organizes the Annual CNS Meeting which serves as a forum for young scientists to present their work and to interact with senior leaders in the field.

Bernstein Members involved:
Jasper Albers
Fred Wolf

Computational Neuroscience: Vision

09.07. – 23.07.2024
Cold Spring Harbor, USA
Summer School

Computational approaches to neuroscience will produce important advances in our understanding of neural processing. Prominent success will come in areas where strong inputs from neurobiological, behavioral and computational investigation can interact. The theme of the course is that an understanding of the computational problems, the constraints on solutions to these problems, and the range of possible solutions can help guide research in neuroscience. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on experience with MATLAB- and Python-based computer tutorials and projects, this intensive course will examine visual information processing from the retina to higher cortical areas, spatial pattern analysis, motion analysis, neuronal coding and decoding, attention, and decision-making.

Bernstein Members involved:
Stefan Treue

The Systems Vision Science Summer School & Symposium

19.06. – 12.07.2024
Summer School

Systems Vision Science combines computational, behavioral, and neuroscience methods to discover functions and algorithms for vision in various brain regions and their implementations in neural circuits. This summer school is designed for everyone interested in gaining a systems level understanding of biological vision.

Bernstein Members involved:
Li Zhaoping

FENS Forum

25.06. – 29.06.2024
Vienna, Austria

The FENS Forum of neuroscience is the largest international neuroscience meeting in Europe. Taking place in even years, the FENS Forum rotates between different European countries and attracts more than 7,000 international delegates.

The Bernstein Network will have an information booth at this event!

Bernstein Members involved:
Marion Silies
Fred Wolf
Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Robert Baumgartner


25.06. – 29.06.2024
Milos, Greece

The AREADNE conferences bring scientific leaders from around the world to present their recent findings on the functioning of neuronal ensembles in an informal and beautiful setting on Milos. The conference series emphasizes interaction with a size and pace that encourages in-depth discussion. Interested researchers are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for poster presentation as attendance is strictly limited, and the conference typically sells out. Abstract submission deadline is 26 January 2024. Send us your best work!

The virtual NEST Conference 2024

17.06. – 18.06.2024

The NEST Initiative is excited to invite everyone interested in Neural Simulation Technology and the NEST Simulator to the virtual NEST Conference 2024. The NEST Conference provides an opportunity for the NEST Community to meet, exchange success stories, swap advice, learn about current developments in and around NEST spiking network simulation and its application. We particularly encourage young scientists to participate in the conference!

Bernstein Members involved:
Hans Ekkehard Plesser
Markus Diesmann
Abigail Morrison

2024 International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience

11.06. – 14.06.2024
Dublin, Ireland

The International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS) is an
inter-disciplinary conference series, bringing together theoretical/computational neuroscientists and mathematicians. The conferences are aimed at scientists interested in using or developing mathematical techniques for neuroscience problems.

Bernstein Members involved:
Benjamin Lindner
Tilo Schwalger

20 years BCCN Berlin Symposium

12.06. – 12.06.2024
Berlin, Germany

With this symposium, the BCCN Berlin will celebrate the 20. anniversary of the Center and its achievements.

Junior Scientists Workshop on Recent Advances in Theoretical Neuroscience

03.06. – 07.06.2024
Trieste, Italy

The program is structured around a series of in-depth morning presentations delivered by invited speakers. These talks will feature recent advances in the field of dynamics, plasticity, and computation in neuronal circuits, with an emphasis on both mathematical tools and biological implications. In the afternoons, participants will share their own research through contributed talks and poster presentations. The primary objective of this program is to foster a collaborative and prolific exchange of ideas among emerging scientists in the field of Theoretical Neuroscience.

Bernstein Members involved:
Alessandro Sanzeni

International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering (ICNCE)

03.06. – 06.06.2024
Aachen, Germany

This conference is planned as a truly interdisciplinary event. We intend to bring many communities together that are working to expand our understanding of the human brain, and to engineer brain-inspired technologies of low power and increased computational abilities as well as their application in present and future AI systems. The location is the Eurogress, in the heart of the historic city of Aachen, with close connections to RWTH University and nearby Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Bernstein Members involved:
Markus Diesmann
Tobias Gemmeke
Sonja Grün
Abigail Morrison
Wulfram Gerstner
Julijana Gjorgjieva
Anna Levina
Martin Ziegler

Mathematics Of Neuroscience and AI

28.05. – 31.05.2024
Rome, Italy

Two decades into the 21st century, how close are we to building an artificial intelligence inspired by models of the brain? In this exploratory symposium, we invite submissions presenting mathematical models of brain function or computational ideas about intelligence. We give priority to those models that can account for brain or behavioural data, or provide simulations to that effect.

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Dayan

10th EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience

28.05. – 31.05.2024
Cruise ship Silja-Line Helsinki-Stockholm-Helsinki
Summer School

The 10th EBRAINS Baltic-Nordic Summer School on Neuroscience “From Neurons to The Virtual Brain, Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence” will provide you with the latest achievements in the brain research, implications to AI methods and applications in clinical practice.

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Jedlicka
Herman Cuntz
Gaute Einevoll


21.05. – 24.05.2024
Platanias, Chania, Crete, Greece

Principles of dendritic function and computation:
Understanding how brains generate perception and drive behaviour while being energetically efficient is still one of the biggest challenges of our century. Neurons communicate via synaptic inputs which are located on thin branches known as dendrites which shape how we respond to the external world, encode memories, and generate behaviour. Recent technical developments have enabled the study of dendrites at multiple levels, from the organization and plasticity of single synaptic inputs to dendritic computations in behaviour. The goal of this workshop is to bring together international scientific leaders who work on molecular, biophysical, anatomical, computational and/or functional aspects of dendrites to further our understanding of how these beautiful structures contribute to different brain functions and their abnormalities.

Bernstein Members involved:
Viola Priesemann
Gaia Tavosanis
Juliana Gjorgjieva - Organizer

ICDL 2024

20.05. – 23.05.2024
Austin, Texas, USA

The IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) conference is a unique meeting gathering researchers from computer science, robotics, psychology, neuroscience, and other disciplines to share and discuss research on how humans and other animals learn and develop and how this can inform and be informed by robotics and machine learning systems.

Bernstein Members involved:
Jochen Triesch

NEXTEN: Envisaging Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience for the next 10 years

16.05. – 17.05.2024
St. Louis, USA

Theoretical/Computational Neuroscience is currently undergoing a phase of unprecedented growth. Dramatic advances in the ease with which large-scale datasets of behavior, neural activity, connectomic and gene expression information can be collected have coincided with a revolution in the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence-based algorithms to interrogate such datasets. Concurrently, these new datasets are inspiring exciting new developments in mathematical tools for extracting their underlying structure and relationships. What is the current state of the art in our theoretical/computational understanding of the brain, and what does the future hold? You are invited to join an exciting line-up of leaders in the field to address these questions.

Bernstein Members involved:
Roxana Zeraati

Science Jam Nr. 14: Groove, Swing, Flow: Ein Konzert-Vortrag

07.05. – 07.05.2024
Science Jam

Der Physiker Theo Geisel aus Göttingen trifft auf den Perkussionisten Murat Coşkun aus Freiburg. Ihr Zugang zum Rhythmus in der Musik könnte unterschiedlicher nicht sein…

Bernstein Members involved:
Theo Geisel
Stefan Rotter (Organisation)

Dendritic computation, synaptic plasticity & molecular mechanisms

22.04. – 25.04.2024
Bernstein Members involved:
Julijana Gjorgjieva
Tatjana Tchumatchenko
Arno Granier

Werner Reichardt Symposium

19.04. – 19.04.2024
Hybrid: Tübingen and online

This symposium will be held in honour of the centenary of the birth of Werner Reichardt, the founding director of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and a pioneer in the fields of vision science and what is now known as computational neuroscience.

Bernstein Members involved:
Peter Dayan
Jakob Macke

Cognitive neuroscience of auditory and cross-modal perception

15.04. – 17.04.2024
Košice, Slovakia

This workshop will include advanced research talks (and introductory lectures) on a range of topics related to the neural processes of auditory, visual and cross-modal perception.
The main focus of this year’s workshop will be on spatial audio virtualization and gamification for hearing assessment and enhancement.
The talks will illustrate the multidisciplinary character of cognitive neuroscience research, covering behavioral, neuroimaging, and modeling approaches, as well as applications of the research in auditory prosthetic devices.
The workshop is aimed at early-stage and advanced students and young researchers, and it will provide ample opportunities for direct interactions between the lecturers and the attendees.

Bernstein Members involved:
Robert Baumgartner

PLENA 2024

08.04. – 12.04.2024
Pucón, Chile

The Summit will aim to explore the intersection of neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a particular focus on mechanisms of learning. This event will provide a platform for AI and experimental neuroscience researchers to delve into the mechanisms of learning at the cellular, systems, and behavioral levels.

Bernstein Members involved:
Markus Diesmann
Sonja Grün

Computational and Systems Neuroscience — COSYNE

29.02. – 05.03.2024
Lisbon and Cascais, Portugal

The annual Cosyne meeting provides an inclusive forum for the exchange of empirical and theoretical approaches to problems in systems neuroscience, in order to understand how neural systems function.

The Bernstein Network will have an information booth at this event!

Bernstein Members involved:
Laura Busse (Speaker)
Claire Meissner-Bernard (Workshop organizer)
Dylan Festa (Workshop organizer)
Matt Getz (Workshop organizer)
Simone Azeglio (Workshop organizer)
Gabriel Mahuas (Workshop organizer)
Torben Ott (Workshop organizer)
Wulfram Gerstner (Speaker)
Katharina A. Wilmes (Workshop organizer)
Roxana Zeraati (Speaker)
Daniel Durstewitz (Workshop organizer)
Anna Levina (Speaker)

Winter School “Ethics of Neuroscience and AI” 2024

26.02. – 01.03.2024
Berlin, Germany

Theoretical foundations, as well as practical and ethical aspects are addressed. Participants will benefit from a combination of lectures with group work and discussions, where they will put the learned content into practice.

Bernstein Members involved:
BCCN Berlin
John-Dylan Haynes