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Bernstein Network News. Find the latest news from our researchers regarding current research results, new research projects and initiatives as well as awards and prizes.

Freiburg, Germany December 5, 2022

New findings on neuronal activities in the sensorimotor cortex

Interdisciplinary team at the University of Freiburg studies freely moving individuals using 3D tracking

Duisburg-Essen, Germany December 1, 2022

Study of handedness in primates: Left or right?

About 90 percent of all humans are right-handed. Why that is the case is still a mystery. According to current evidence, other primate species do not show comparable preferences. Zoologists at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and the Humboldt University Berlin have now attempted to close this knowledge gap in a new study. For this purpose, they tested the handedness of various monkey and ape species in 39 zoos and sanctuaries. The results were published in the journal eLife.

Freiburg November 15, 2022

New book: Selected Papers of George Gerstein

Just in time for the 2022 Society for Neuroscience Meeting in San Diego, Springer presents a new book in its Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience: Introducing Computation to Neuroscience – Selected Papers of George Gerstein.

Kiel November 4, 2022

Optimal working conditions for the brain

An interdisciplinary research team investigates biological and technical information processing

Berlin October 27, 2022

Trunk dexterity explained: Berlin scientists decipher facial motor control in elephants

Elephants have an amazing arsenal of face, ear and trunk movements. The trunk consists of far more muscles than the entire human body and can perform both powerful and very delicate movements. A team of scientists from the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) now examined the facial motor nucleus of African and Asian elephants, the brain structure that controls the facial muscles of these animals. This nucleus contains more facial motor neurons than in any other terrestrial mammal, the scientists show in a paper published in the journal “Science Advances”.

Göttingen October 25, 2022

Award for interdisciplinary research: Viola Priesemann receives Arthur Burkhardt Prize

The Arthur Burkhard Foundation for the Advancement of Science gives its award in 2022 to Viola Priesemann from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) and the University of Göttingen. The award, endowed with 10,000 euros, is presented annually to outstanding scientists who have made outstanding contributions to interdisciplinary research.

Freiburg October 19, 2022

BernsteinCorTeC Award 2022

The Bernstein-CorTeC Award honors outstanding scientific achievements in the field of Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology. The prize is awarded annually alternating for Doctoral or Master theses.

Jülich October 18, 2022

Human Brain Project: Scientists Propose New Guidelines for Describing Network Connectivity

Researchers who work with neuronal network models – simplified representations of brains – need to "speak the same language" so that their results can be understood and reproduced. Scientists at the Human Brain Project now propose guidelines for the unambiguous description of network connectivity. The guidelines are based on concepts in use in the computational neuroscience community. To provide an intuitive understanding of network properties, they also propose a graphical notation for network diagrams unifying existing diagram styles.

Tübingen October 17, 2022

BWKI honors student teams

Germany's up-and-coming AI talent impressed at the finals of the leading artificial intelligence competition. The goal of all participants: To improve the world with the help of AI applications.

Munich October 14, 2022

Secret structure in the wiring diagram of the brain

Researchers discover a hidden order in seemingly random connections between neurons

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