Call for Nominations – Valentin Braitenberg Award 2020/21

The call for nominations for the Valentin Braitenberg Award for Computational Neuroscience 2021 is open.


Since 2012, the Valentin Braitenberg Award has been presented biennially by the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience to honor outstanding scientific achievements in the field of computational neuroscience. Following the scientific tradition of Valentin Braitenberg, special attention is given to theoretical studies that reveal the functional significance of brain structures and their neural network dynamics.

Das Hauptkriterium für die Auswahl des Preisträgers oder der Preisträgerin ist die Bedeutung seiner oder ihrer Forschung für die Neurowissenschaften. Im Geiste der Forschung von Valentin Braitenberg liegt hierbei besonderes Augenmerk auf theoretischen Studien, welche die funktionelle Bedeutung von Hirnstrukturen und deren neuronale Netzwerkdynamik aufdecken. Die preisrelevanten Arbeiten sollten bevorzugt an einer europäischen Institution durchgeführt worden sein.

Nominations may be submitted by scientists working in the field of computational neuroscience.

The nomination should include the following documents:

  • One-page laudation, in which the scientific work of the candidate is honored with regard to the award criteria
  • CV and list of publications of the nominee

Nominations can be submitted via e-mail to:

Deadline for nominations is April 30, 2021.

The award will be presented at the Bernstein Conference 2021 taking place online. The awardee will be invited for a special lunch event at the next onsite Bernstein Conference.

  • Prize money of € 5.000, kindly donated by “Autonome Provinz Bozen Südtirol>> more
  • “Braitenberg Lecture” within the framework of the online Bernstein Conference 2021
  • Registration for the next onsite Bernstein Conference, travel costs, and accommodation
  • Certificate and Golden Neuron pin
  • Book “Tentakel des Geistes – Begegnungen mit Valentin Braitenberg”

>> Valentin Braitenberg Award for Computational Neuroscience