Signal Processing at its most advanced. Bernstein Conference attracts brain scientists from all over the world to Berlin
Currently, Artificial Intelligence is often at the center of many debates. Yet, how strongly different research disciplines are interconnected in AI is often unclear to many. At the borders between the neurosciences and the natural sciences, computational neuroscientists worldwide are exploring different questions and yet always come back to the best example: the natural brain. During the international Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience from September 18-20 in Berlin, experts of deep learning, evolutionary brain research and applied AI will discuss current scientific topics.
/BN, Duppé/ One of the central topics of computational neuroscience is to understand the flood of electrical signals, which are constantly processed by the brain. Here, researchers use mathematical models and computer simulations to investigate and understand how the brain functions. This facilitates new medical applications, such as the control of neuroprotheses or computers through the power of thought.
The annual Bernstein Conference in Germany offers one of the most important opportunities for international scientific exchange in the field of computational neuroscience in Europe. Whether physics, biology, chemistry or computer sciences. Still young, this research discipline benefits immensely from thinking and researching beyond disciplinary boundaries. In current public discourse, Artificial Intelligence is as relevant a topic as the investigation of basic principles which help us unravel the functionality of the brain and ameliorate our daily lives.
To Professor Susanne Schreiber, scientific organizer of the conference, the focus lies here: “We are neuroscientists who are trying to find out how the brain functions by means of mathematical methods.” She is pleased that so many renowned international researchers have accepted the invitation to Berlin. Amongst them, Eve Marder who the National Academy of Sciences referred to as “one of the most influential neuroscientists of her generation”. Marder’s research has provided transformative insight into the fundamental processes of animal and human brains.
Matthias Bethge, head of the German AI Center Tübingen, researches and develops new algorithms for Machine Learning. He belongs to a new generation of European scientists who are networking research in Europe in a new way. As invited speakers, the two of them stand representative with their colleagues from experimental and theoretical neuroscience for the interdisciplinary excellence of computational neuroscience.
Award Ceremony
One of the scientific highlights of this year’s Bernstein Conference is the presentation of the Brains for Brains Young Researcher Award to Tuan Pham, a young scientist from the University of Chicago, USA on September 20. The biennial award recognizes the special achievements of young scientists who have shown their outstanding potential already at a very early career stage – even before starting their doctoral studies.
Public Event
KI – Kopie oder Karikatur?
Lecture be Florian Röhrbein, Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG. (in German): Was unterscheidet künstliche von natürlicher Intelligenz? Braucht Intelligenz einen Körper? Lässt sie sich kopieren? Und ist eine Kopie überhaupt wünschenswert? Als Forschungsgebiet an der Schnittstelle zwischen Neurowissenschaften, Informatik und weiteren Disziplinen wirft Künstliche Intelligenz viele Fragen auf. Ein Blick auf aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse sowie auf die über 60-jährige Geschichte der KI hilft, den aktuellen Hype um diesen Begriff besser zu verstehen und einzuordnen.
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 19:30
Venue: Technischen Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135
main building, lecture hall H0104
Entrance is free of charge.
Public Events Overview
For journalists
- Official Opening: Wednesday, September 18, 14:00 lecture hall H0104 of the Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
- Presentation of the Brains for Brains Awards to Tuan Pham, University of Chicago
Friday, September 20, 10:00, lecture hall H0104 of the Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
For journalists and the general public
- KI – Kopie oder Karikatur? (public lecture; German)
Wednesday, September 18, 19:30, Technischen Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, main building, lecture hall H0104
Press Pass
Journalists are very welcome to attend the Bernstein Conference free of charge. Please register at the central information desk. Identification with your press ID is required. Interviews can be arranged on demand.