Bernstein Center Tübingen with new director
Jakob Macke, Professor of Machine Learning at the University of Tübingen, is the new director of the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Tübingen (BCCN Tübingen).

Jakob Macke, Bild: F. Albrecht/ Universität Tübingen
BN, Duppé/ Since April 15, 2021, Prof. Dr. Jakob Macke is the new director of the Bernstein Center Tübingen.
After his move in 2020 from the Technical University of Munich to the University of Tübingen as Professor of Machine Learning in the Cluster of Excellence “Machine Learning for Science”, Macke’s new position as head of the BCCN Tübingen is opening up new opportunities to further shape the scientific field.
Jakob Macke himself perceives his new job as a coordination task. “Tübingen is very strong, scientifically, both in clinical neuroscience as well as machine learning. The Bernstein Center can intertwine these two strengths more strongly even – not only in the classical sense to extend basic neuroscience research, but also with regard to clinical neuroscience, such as neurology.”
The Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Tübingen is a pillar of interdisciplinary research in the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience. It is closely linked to the Tübingen Neurosciences, the Cluster of Excellence and the Competence Center Machine Learning (Tübingen AI Center) as well as to Cyber Valley.
BCCN Tübingen
The Bernstein Center Tübingen is dedicated to research and teaching in computational neuroscience, with a focus on combining neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI) research. Advances in AI research, in particular in the field of machine learning, are providing powerful new methods for analyzing the increasingly large and complex data sets of modern neuroscience experiments to understand how the brain works.