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Bernstein Network News. Find the latest news from our researchers regarding current research results, new research projects and initiatives as well as awards and prizes.

BNCN BernsteinSmart
Online November 2, 2021

Bernstein SmartSteps – Fall Series

The Bernstein SmartSteps series provides a unique platform for selected Early Career Scientists of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience to present their research projects to the scientific community.

Grafik Maus auf Surfboard
Frankfurt a.M. October 27, 2021

The goal in mind

Scientists discover the brain’s internal goal map enabling animals to navigate precisely to a chosen destination

Freiburg October 26, 2021

Tatjana Tchumatchenko receives the Boehringer Ingelheim FENS Research Award 2022

On October 14, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and Boehringer Ingelheim announced the winners of the Boehringer Ingelheim FENS Research Award 2022. It will be awarded to Tatjana Tchumatchenko (DE) and Tom Baden (UK) during the FENS Forum 2022.

Urkunde CorTec Award
Freiburg October 20, 2021

Bernstein-CorTec Award goes to Jeanine Laturner

Jeanine Laturner receives this year's Bernstein CorTec Award for her master thesis "Ocular dominance plasticity in a thalamo-cortical recurrent network model". The award was presented by Prof. Kerstin Krieglstein, Rector of the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, during the opening of the academic year.

Munich October 13, 2021

A “green lung” for the brain

LMU neurobiologists have shown that photosynthetic micro-organisms can be used as a source of oxygen for nerve cells.

Tübingen October 7, 2021

First comprehensive atlas of neuron types in the brain published

International research collaboration explores the properties of different neuron types in the brain motor cortex of mice, monkeys and humans using novel experimental and data analysis techniques

Nest Simulator Top Image
Ås, Norway/ Jülich, Germany September 16, 2021

EBRAINS shares access to improved laptop-to-supercomputer brain simulator

EBRAINS is the new digital research infrastructure set up by the EU-funded Human Brain Project.

Eine COS-7-Zelle, aufgenommen mit SMLM
Tübingen September 9, 2021

Machine learning improves biological image analysis

International team of researchers develops algorithm that accelerates super-resolution microscopy

Flughund Grafik
Jerusalem August 11, 2021

When the Brain’s GPS Goes Off the Grid

A new study on bats reveals an unexpected representation of three-dimensional space in the brain

Freiburg, Berlin July 23, 2021

Tracking the traces of light in the short-lived memory of the eyes

The traces light leaves on the retina close gaps in visual perception and provide continuity in knowing what is where as we move.

Treffer: 260