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Bernstein Network News. Find the latest news from our researchers regarding current research results, new research projects and initiatives as well as awards and prizes.

Göttingen, Germany December 12, 2023

A gene-powered journey into the primate brain

The Leibniz Collaborative Excellence Program awards a one million Euro grant to the PRIMADIS project

Göttingen December 12, 2023

Forschungsrealität verzerrt dargestellt

This article is available in German only.

Die Initiative Tierversuche verstehen hat die jüngste Sendung „45 Minuten – Das Schicksal der Laborhunde“ vom 20. November einem Faktencheck unterzogen und ist auf eine voreingenommene Darstellung mit einer Vielzahl von falschen Behauptungen und Unterstellungen gestoßen. So wird ein künstlich hergestelltes Foto als „nachgestellt“ deklariert, angebliche Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Tiere verzerrt dargestellt und Informationen für eine ausgewogene Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema ignoriert. Im Beitrag „Illegale Tierversuche – Massive Verstöße in deutschen Versuchslaboren“ auf werden die Inhalte wiederholt. Mehrere Forschende und Tierpfleger:innen kündigten gegen den TV-Beitrag Programmbeschwerden an.

Bochum November 14, 2023

When we feel things that are not there

The discovery of the phantom touch illusion provides insights into human perception and opens up new perspectives for interaction with virtual reality technology.

Groningen, Netherlands October 26, 2023

ERC Synergy Grant – SWIMS project: Transforming IoT Sensory Systems for a Sustainable Future

The European Research Council has announced today that the project SWIMS, Stochastic Spiking Wireless Multimodal Sensory Systems, will be funded with 13.5M Euros under the Synergy program. SWIMS is revolutionizing the landscape of smart wireless multimodal sensory systems. By embracing bio-inspired design principles, SWIMS is reshaping hardware to achieve exceptional energy efficiency, particularly in event detection and communication.

Berlin, Germany October 24, 2023

Following your own scientific interests

Susanne Schreiber, Professor of Theoretical Neurophysiology, receives the Caroline von Humboldt Professorship

Munich, Germany October 23, 2023

Eye movement: innovation in visual perception training

LMU researchers develop new approach to improve the training of vision.

Tübingen, Germany October 19, 2023

First Principal Investigators join the ELLIS Institute Tübingen gGmbH as Hector Endowed Fellows

After the launch in July 2023, the ELLIS Institute Tübingen is growing, with the first Principal Investigators joining the Institute as Hector Endowed Fellows in the fall of 2023.

Freiburg October 18, 2023

Bernstein-CorTec Award 2023

The Bernstein-CorTec Award honors outstanding scientific achievements in the field of Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology. The prize is awarded annually alternating for Doctoral or Master theses. In 2023, the prize is awarded to Aadhar Sharma for his Master Thesis on the topic: "The Dynamics of Adult Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus".

Basel October 12, 2023

How AI can help uncover the way memory works

A symphony of electrical signals and a dynamic tangle of connections between brain cells help us to make new memories. Using AI-powered models of groups of neurons, FMI researchers are working towards unlocking how the brain orchestrates this dance. Their latest study has achieved a major advance in accurately simulating the changes in the connections between neurons that sense the external environment, opening the door to a greater understanding of how countless brain cells transform sensations into perceptions and thoughts. Eventually, AI-powered tools may help to illuminate some of the workings of real brains.

Princeton October 12, 2023

Fruit fly serenade: Princeton neuroscientists decode the tiny creatures’ mating song

Love songs are at least as popular in the animal kingdom as on the radio. The importance of musically serenading your true love has driven plotlines from Twelfth Night to The Trumpet of the Swan to Happy Feet.

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