Advanced Neural Data Analysis (ANDA)
Techniques to record neuronal data from populations of neurons are rapidly improving. Simultaneous recordings from hundreds of channels are possible while animals perform complex behavioral tasks. The analysis of such massive and complex data becomes increasingly challenging.
This advanced course aims at providing deeper training in state-of-the-art analysis approaches in systems neuroscience and is running annually.
These lectures were recorded by the INCF (International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility) during the Workshop “Advanced Neural Data Analysis Course” (ANDA) in 2019. Course language is English.
Firing rate estimation and directional tuning data set
Lecturer: Martin Nawrot, University of Cologne
Cortial variability dynamics experimental observations and mechanistic models
Lecturer: Martin Nawrot, University of Cologne
Correlation analysis of parallel spike trains (Sonja Grün)
Lecturer: Sonja Grün, Forschungszentrum Jülich, RWTH Aachen
Correlation analysis of massively parallel spike trains (Sonja Grün)
Lecturer: Sonja Grün, Forschungszentrum Jülich, RWTH Aachen
Extended 'Unitary Events' in MEG recordings (Moshe Abeles)
Lecturer: Moshe Abeles, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Dimensionality reduction PCA and more Part 1
Lecturer: Christian Machens, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal
Dimensionality reduction PCA and more Part 2
Lecturer: Christian Machens, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal
Reproducible analysis of activity data - Open software for sustainable research
Lecturer: Michael Denker, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Keeping track of your data - Methods for comprehensive research data management
Lecturer: Thomas Wachtler, LMU München