Bernstein Conference 2021




Sep 21 – 23

Invited Lectures

Athena Akrami | University College London, UK
Formation and update of sensory “prior distributions” in working memory and perceptual decision making tasks

Timothy Behrens | University of Oxford, UK
Representing the structure of problems in the frontal hippocampal circuitry

Nadine Gogolla | Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany
Disentangling the neural basis of emotion

Guillaume Hennequin | University of Cambridge, UK
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail: a network theory of movement preparation and execution

Jennifer Li & Drew Robson | Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany
A dynamical systems view of neuroethology: uncovering stateful computation during zebrafish foraging

Scott Linderman | Stanford University, USA
Finding sequences in neural spike trains with Neyman-Scott processes

Ashok Litwin-Kumar | Columbia University, New York City, USA
Generalizing theories of cerebellum-like learning

Ida Momennejad | Microsoft Research, New York City, USA
Multi-scale Predictive Representations & Human-like RL

Cristina Savin | New York University, New York City, USA
Task-specific routing of information in neural circuits via structured noise

Marion Silies | Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany
Strategies for vision in dynamically changing environments

Daniel Vallentin | Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany

Neural control of vocal interactions in songbirds

Valentin Braitenberg Award Winner

Eve Marder | Brandeis University, Waltham, USA
Perturbations Reveal that Degenerate Circuits Hide Cryptic Individual Variability

Contributed Talks

Badr Albanna |University of Pittburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA
Distinct synaptic plasticity mechanisms determine the diversity of cortical responses during behavior

Manuel Beiran | École Normale Supérieure – PSL University, Paris, France
Learning parametric models of cognitive tasks through low-dimensional neural manifolds

Yul HR Kang |University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Spatial uncertainty provides a unifying account of navigation behavior and grid field deformations

Anna Kutschireiter | Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA
A Bayesian Perspective on the Fruit Fly’s Internal Compass

Claire Meissner-Bernard | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland
Co-tuned, balanced excitation and inhibition in olfactory memory networks

Alireza Modirshanechi | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Novelty drives exploration, whereas surprise modulates learning: the interaction of novelty, surprise, and reward in human behavior

Torben Ott | Washington University in Saint Louis, USA
Near-optimal time investments under uncertainty in humans, rats, and mice

Ahnaf Ashhab Pathan | Quantitative Neuroscience Lab, Systems Cortex, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Fully topographic deep artificial neural network for reconstructing functional heterogeneity and internal representations of visual cortex

Satellite Workshops


  • Dietmar Plenz
  • Claudius Gros
  • Stefanie Miller
  • Anna Levina
  • Joern Davidsen
  • Christian Meisel
  • Serena di Sant
  • Miguel Munoz

Confirmed speakers:

  • Joe Patoe
  • Klaus Wimmer
  • Ann Kennedy
  • Robert Froemke
  • Kiyohito Iigaya
  • Lea Duncker

Confirmed speakers:

  • Peter Dayan
  • Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida
  • Marc Bellemare
  • Rachel Lee
  • Jan Drugowitsch
  • Martha White
  • Arif Hamid
  • Jakob Foerster

Confirmed speakers:

  • Pascal Fries
  • Arvind Kumar
  • Jorge Mejias
  • Farzan Nadim
  • Carmen Canavier
  • Rodrigo Pena
  • Michelle McCarthy
  • Eran Stark
  • Horacio G. Rotstein
  • Warren M. Grill
  • Zeinab Esmaeilpour
  • John White

Confirmed speakers:

  • Florencia Iacaruso
  • Pulin Gong
  • Simon Rumpel
  • Julijana Gjorgjieva
  • Sven Dorkenwald
  • Ramin Khajeh
  • Merav Stern
  • Carl Petersen
  • Lukasz Kusmierz

Confirmed speakers:

  • Janne Lappalainen
  • Stefano Panzeri
  • Bernd Illing
  • Viola Priesemann
  • Roxana Zeraati | Oleg Vinogradov
  • Kate Storrs
  • Andrew Saxe

Confirmed speakers:

  • Taro Toyoizumi
  • Cian O’Donnell
  • Júlia Gallinaro
  • Paul Manz
  • Bastian Eppler
  • Lee Susman
  • Michael Rule
  • Andrew Fink | Carl Edward Schoonover
  • Noa Sadeh | Meytar Zemer
  • Federico Devalle
  • Sara Solla
  • Ji Xia
  • William Mau

Confirmed speakers:

  • Simona Olmi
  • David Dahmen
  • Tilo Schwalger
  • Gianluigi Mongillo
  • Matteo di Volo
  • Halgurd Taher
  • Alain Destexhe
  • Áine Byrne
  • Maurizio Mattia

Confirmed speakers:

  • Carsen Stringer
  • Mattia Rigotti
  • Jonathan Pillow
  • Friedrich Schuessler
  • SueYeon Chung
  • Sara Solla
  • Alex Cayco-Gajic
  • Abigail Russo

Confirmed speakers:

  • Hye Yoon Park
  • Daniel Choquet
  • Timothy O’Leary
  • Mark van Rossum
  • Paul Bressloff
  • Marina Mikhaylova
  • Anne-Sophie Hafner
  • Ashley Bourke
  • Noam Ziv