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Hier finden Sie aktuelle Stellenangebote in der Computational Neuroscience. PhD und Postdoc Stellen stammen aus Laboren und Kollaborationen unserer PI Mitglieder.

Master- und Promotionsprogramme finden Sie unter Studienangebote.


Optogenetics in the Retina and Computational Neuroscience

Stadt: Göttingen, Germany
Institution: University Medical Center Göttingen
Arbeitsgruppe: Tim Gollisch

PhD student in the field of Computational Neuroscience

Stadt: Jülich, Germany
Institution: Forschungszentrum Jülich
Arbeitsgruppe: Sonja Grün

Neural Data Science

Stadt: Göttingen, Germany
Institution: University of Göttingen
Arbeitsgruppe: Alexander Ecker

PhD opportunities in Computational Neuroscience

Stadt: Basel, Switzerland
Institution: Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Arbeitsgruppe: Friedemann Zenke

Postdoc Stellen

Research Assistant / Postdoc in Computational Neuroscience

Stadt: Bremen, Germany
Institution: Universität Bremen
Arbeitsgruppe: Udo Ernst
Deadline: 07.10.2024

Neural Data Science

Stadt: Göttingen, Germany
Institution: University of Göttingen
Arbeitsgruppe: Alexander Ecker

Postdoc opportunities in Computational Neuroscience

Stadt: Basel, Switzerland
Institution: Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Arbeitsgruppe: Friedemann Zenke


Junior Professorship in the field of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Causality

Stadt: Hannover, Germany
Institution: Leibniz University Hannover
Deadline: 30.09.2024

Five tenure-track faculty positions in neuroscience

Stadt: Notre Dame, USA
Institution: University of Notre Dame
Deadline: 30.09.2024

Assistant Professor – Computational Mechanisms of Behavior

Stadt: San Diego, USA
Institution: University of California San Diego
Deadline: 08.10.2024

Assistant/associate professor for theory, computation, and data science

Stadt: St. Louis, USA
Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Deadline: 19.10.2024

Associate Professor in Neuroscience

Stadt: Claremont, USA
Institution: Claremont McKenna College
Deadline: 31.10.2024

Faculty Position in Computational and Behavioral Neuroscience

Stadt: Los Angeles, USA
Institution: University of California
Deadline: 31.10.2024

Assistant or Associate Professor in Cognitive and Psychological Sciences

Stadt: Providence, USA
Institution: Brown University
Deadline: 01.11.2024

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Stadt: Lethbridge, Canada
Institution: University of Lethbridge


Aktuell stehen keine Stellenangebote zur Verfügung

Sonstige Stellen

BCCN Berlin is looking for a Theoretical Junior Group

Stadt: Berlin
Institution: BCCN Berlin