Sep 26 – 29
Photographic Retrospect
Invited Lectures
Tiago Branco | Sainsbury Wellcome Center, UK
Strategies and neural mechanisms for navigating to shelter during escape
Marlene Cohen | University of Chicago, USA
Visual mechanisms for flexible behavior
Stefano Fusi | Columbia University, USA
Disentangled representational geometries in human and non-human primates
Ann Kennedy | Northwestern University, USA
Neural population dynamics underlying hypothalamic regulation of motivated behavior
Julija Krupic | University of Cambridge, UK
Progressively increasing time horizons in grid cells and CA1 place cells
Wiktor Mlynarski | LMU Munich, Germany & Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria
Computational principles of dynamic sensory representations
Adrien Peyrache | McGill University, Canada
Learning a cognitive map
Kanaka Rajan | Harvard University, USA
Merging neural and behavioral modularity through compositional modes
Christopher Summerfield | University of Oxford & Deepmind, UK
Training neural networks to reason about scenes by integrating “what” and “where”
Julia Veit | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Cortical VIP neurons locally control the gain but globally control the coherence of gamma band rhythms
Valentin Braitenberg Award Winner
Nicolas Brunel | Duke University, USA
Contributed Talks
Nicholas Edward Bush | Seattle Children’s Research Institute, USA
Latent neural population dynamics that govern breathing
Mattia Chini | University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
Skewness and oligarchy in the developing cortex
Ciana E Deveau | Brown University, USA
Selective amplification of sequences of neural activity by recurrent circuits of visual cortex
Timothy Doyeon Kim| Princeton University, USA
Flow-field inference from neural data using deep recurrent networks
Kathrin Pabst | Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Integration of rotational optic flow in the desert locust compass-network: A dynamical firing rate model
NaYoung So | Columbia University, USA
Separate neural representations of the time and content of a decision?
Roxana Zeraati | University of Tübingen, Germany
Role of single-neuron and network-mediated timescales in recurrent neural networks solving long-memory tasks
Public Lecture
Fred Wolf | University of Göttingen, Germany
Sprunginnovation oder evolutionäre Hängepartie – Neues von den ersten Gehirnen